Donate to support post-Fire Recovery needs for Vietnam Vet - Navy SEAL Gil Espinoza

raised towards $100,000 goal
Days Left
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Thank you for partnering with the Navy SEALs Fund in supporting Navy SEAL Gil Espinoza.
3/7/2022 - Update from Gil
Thank each and every one of you who have responded to my recent trial by Fire. It is easy to think sometimes that one is all alone, but now I see through your generous donations and words of support and encouragement that great people step up to help those who have been knocked down.
The words I’ve chosen cannot express the heartfelt emotion and sincere appreciations that I feel in my Heart at this time. I am blessed to have you in my life and I expect to recover.
As I learned in the Teams, “The only easy day was yesterday,” and, “if you can’t change the temperature of the ocean, it doesn’t matter what the temperature of the ocean is,” I’ll be in the cold water anyway.
It’s never about what has happened to you in crisis, it’s about how one responds to the crisis.
In closing, I pray blessings upon you and your families in regard to your health, prosperity and happiness. I thank the Navy SEALs Fund and the SEAL Legacy organizations for watching my SIX.
Blessed Hooyahs,
12/31/2022 Colorado Marshall Fire
Please join the Navy SEALs Fund - Brotherhood Beyond Battlefield in supporting Vietnam Veteran - Navy SEAL Gilbert Espinoza - UDT Class 42 with immediate assistance!
Gil is homeless and has lost everything following the destruction of his home in the wind-fueled Wild Fires that ravaged parts of Boulder County, CO, leaving a post-apocalyptic scene.
We are extremely grateful that Gil is safe, and his dog - Chief - was rescued and also safe.
Gilbert Espinoza graduated from BUD/S class 042 in 1967.He was at SEAL Team One and deployed to Vietnam. He has a Navy Commendation with ‘V’ for Valor and a Purple Heart. After leaving the Navy, Gil joined the Boulder Fire Department, achieving the rank of Battalion Chief.
100% of your donations will be given to Gil for immediate assistance needs and recovery support.
All donations are tax-exempt. If you would like to donate by check, please include a note designating the donation for Navy SEAL Gilbert Espinoza Recovery Fund and mail to:
Navy SEALs Fund
Attn: Gilbert Espinoza Recovery Fund
PO Box 89
Mason OH 45040
If you would like to discuss other donation options or ways to provide support for the Gil, please contact us at