Warhorse One Premiere supporting Navy SEALs Fund - Brotherhood Beyond Battlefield®

Warhorse One Premiere supporting Navy SEALs Fund - Brotherhood Beyond Battlefield® image




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The World Is a Dangerous Place... Support those who keep it Safe

The Navy SEALs Fund - Brotherhood Beyond Battlefield® is honored to have the support of Johnny Strong of Operator Films!

When writing WARHORSE ONE, a story of a young girl whose family is killed by insurgents, Johnny Strong focused on one of the most heartbreaking and tragic aspects of war: how it affects the lives of children. He talked with fellow actor and tactical advisor of the film, former Navy SEAL Michael Sauers, about doing something that would benefit Gold Star families. Michael suggested the Navy SEALs Fund and Johnny thought it was a perfect fit for the film."

While promoting the Premiere of Warhorse One, Operator Films is asking their supporters to donate to the Navy SEALs Fund to take PTS/TBI care to the next level for the Navy SEAL Community. It is time for action and the Navy SEALs Fund is leading the way to provide flexible PTS/TBI treatment options for the UDT/SEAL community that removes barriers and ensures no one goes it alone.

Warhorse One Movie Synopsis - "While conducting a rescue mission to evacuate a group of missionaries out of a village in Afghanistan during the US military withdraw of 2021, a SEAL team helicopter is shot down by a group of insurgents. One of the SEAL team operators, Master Chief Richard Mirko (Johnny Strong), is thrown from the wreckage, miraculously surviving the crash. With the rest of his team killed in action, Mirko continues his search for the missionaries, but finds their vehicle ambushed, the only survivor: a traumatized 5-year-old child (Athena Dumer). Mirko must now guide the child to safety, through a gauntlet of hostile insurgents, and survive the brutal Afghan wilderness."

Starring - Johnny Strong & Athena Durner
*Johnny is well known for his role in Black Hawk Down as Delta Operator and Medal of Honor Recipient, Randy Shughart.
Directed by - William Kaufman & Johnny Strong
Written by - Johnny Strong & William Kaufman

About the Navy SEALs Fund - Brotherhood Beyond Battlefield®:

Founded in 2009 by Navy SEALs - the Navy SEALs Fund - Brotherhood Beyond Battlefield® is a 501c3, tax-exempt charity that supports All Generations of current, retired, former UDT/SEAL teammates and immediate dependents, including Gold Star Families. The overall objective is to strengthen the bonds of the Brotherhood and reduce the financial burden of members of the Navy UDT/SEAL Community who are in need of assistance.

Navy SEALs Fund - Brotherhood Beyond Battlefield® is focused on providing Emergency Assistance to those in need, when the need it, and often within hours of the call for help. We are also dedicated to providing Flexible PTS/TBI support that removes barriers to treatment. All positions within the organization are provided by an all-volunteer staff. There are no paid positions, which means more than 99% of all donations go directly to support the Mission, ensuring no one goes it alone. #LLTB
