Give Today - Critical Medical Care for Navy SEAL Master Chief Baggett

Give Today - Critical Medical Care for Navy SEAL Master Chief Baggett image


raised towards $30,000 goal



We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

We are beyond grateful for the amazing support shown to this Warrior and his family. The Fundraising goal has been exceeded as a direct result of your generosity and kindness.

We invite you to follow Master Chief Baggett's journey through treatment on the facebook page:

Navy SEALs Fund-Brotherhood Beyond Battlefield® is urgently raising funds to help this Frogman receive critical treatment before it’s is too late.

Please help us, help this family. Navy SEAL Master Chief Nicky Baggett retired in 2013 with honors and distinction after 28 yrs in the United States Navy.During his stellar 28 yr career, Nicky made multiple wartime deployments to the Middle East, Asia and Europe in support of the multi-front war effort.Once retired, he founded the Lewis Baggett Always Faithfull Foundation and co-founded the Veterans Wellness Center where he volunteers as President and dedicates his time to helping veterans seek treatments for coping with TBI, PTSD, as well as treatment regimens for physical and mental injuries on and off the battlefield.

Nicky, although showing symptoms for many years, was officially diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) prior to retirement in 2013.MS is a disease in which the immune system eats away at the protective covering of the nerve cells, brain and spinal cord which disrupts the flow of information within the brain, and between the brain and body.

In Nicky’s case, his medication and current treatments either have become less effective or stopped working all together.This regression has caused his symptoms to rapidly advance leaving him unable to walk, and forcing him to begin the transition to a wheel chair as well as prepare to modify his home and vehicle to accommodate Nicky’s lack of mobility.This type of MS is referred to as relapsing-remitting MS (RRMS).With RRMS, you’ll have no or very mild symptoms for a period of time, and then you’ll have severe symptoms for a period.If an effective treatment isn’t identified, RRMS eventually can turn into another form of the disease in which Nicky’s symptoms will never go away and he will continue to become more immobile as the disease progresses.

The reality is, Nicky is in a fight against time and needs to identify a treatment that will slow or stop the progression of RRMS.Fortunately, a new treatment involving stem cells called hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) has shown great promise for treating RRMS.

HSCT treatment involves Nicky taking medication to help him make more bone marrow stem cells. The doctors then take some blood and saves the stem cells from it to use later. Nicky will then get high doses of chemotherapy and other strong medications to severely slow down his immune system. This is done in a hospital, and he may need to stay there up to 11 days in order to complete the procedure.The doctor will then put the stem cells into his bloodstream so they can become new white blood cells and help Nicky’s body build a new, healthy immune system.In total, treatment takes several weeks and recovery may take several months.

Nicky has dedicated his life to this country and to helping and assisting military veterans receive the treatments they need, but now he is the veteran that needs your assistance to receive the treatment he needs before it too late.Nicky needs your help.

Financial Donations are needed to cover the medical and transportation costs associated with the HSCT treatments.These procedures are very expensive and Nicky can’t do it without your help.Please join us in showing him how grateful we are for his service and dedication to our great nation.

Memories with his wife Gloria and grandchildren Lola and Mila... help us, help Nicky and his family

100% of your donations are tax-free and will be given to support Nicky Baggett’s treatment costs. We are honored to be working with the family and are managing this fundraiser with full transparency to Nicky and his family.

If you would prefer to donate via check, please make check out to Navy SEALs Fund and mail:
Navy SEALs Fund
Attn: Nicky Baggett Support
PO Box 89
Mason OH 45040

*Your cc receipt may show 'network for good' as they are the cc processing vendor for Navy SEALs Fund.